The Institutional Accreditation of University Centres is a process through which the centres can achieve the renewal of the accreditation of the degrees they offer, through the certification of the implementation of their Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS).
This Institutional Accreditation is carried out by the Council of Universities, on the basis of the evaluation reports drawn up by a quality agency registered in EQAR. ANECA carries out this evaluation through the programme of Institutional Accreditation of University Centres (AICU).
Through the Institutional Accreditation procedure, ANECA evaluates applications for institutional accreditation of university centres. Royal Decree 420/2015, of 29 May, established the institutional accreditation of centres as an alternative to the accreditation model for official university bachelor's and master's degrees. The publication of Royal Decree 640/2021 reinforces the role of institutional accreditation, extending it to doctoral programmes.