Tareas de mantenimiento

Debido a tareas de mantenimiento, las aplicaciones y la página web de ANECA no estarán disponible el próximo sábado 27 de julio de 2024. Disculpen las molestias.

Centers and Institutions

The Agency carries out institutional evaluation procedures in order to help improve the quality of the Spanish university system. Universities should develop their own internal quality assurance systems, according to their own quality strategy and policy, which may include among others:

Register of Universities with AUDIT

Register of Universities with DOCENTIA certificate

The following  table displays the register of bodies that have been awarded an implementation certification for their model of teaching activity evaluation in compliance with the DOCENTIA Programme, after completing the corresponding audit procedure and having proven that they adequately comply with the quality criteria and guidelines established in this model.

The certificate is valid for a renewable period of FIVE years. Even so, during the period of validity, the annual monitoring activities foreseen in the document Proceso de Certificación de los Modelos de Evaluación de la Actividad Docente del Profesorado Universitario (Certification Process of the Models for the Evaluation of the Teaching Activity of University Teaching Staff) must be passed.

Register of university centers with Institutional Accreditation

Through the following link, you can access the evaluation reports of the centers that have obtained institutional accreditation. The information available for each center is as follows:

  • Name of the center and evaluation report for Institutional Accreditation prepared by ANECA.
  • Code of the center in the Registry of Universities, Centers and Degrees.
  • Period of validity of the Institutional Accreditation.