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Accreditation of centres (Faculties/Schools)

The Institutional Accreditation of University Centres is a process through which the centres can achieve the renewal of the accreditation of the degrees they offer, through the certification of the implementation of their Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS).

This Institutional Accreditation is carried out by the Council of Universities, on the basis of the evaluation reports drawn up by a quality agency registered in EQAR. ANECA carries out this evaluation through the programme of Institutional Accreditation of University Centres (AICU).

Through the Institutional Accreditation procedure, ANECA evaluates applications for institutional accreditation of university centres. Royal Decree 420/2015, of 29 May, established the institutional accreditation of centres as an alternative to the accreditation model for official university bachelor's and master's degrees. The publication of Royal Decree 640/2021 reinforces the role of institutional accreditation, extending it to doctoral programmes.

Píldora acreditación institucional Píldora acreditación institucional

A first phase of initial institutional accreditation is established and, within six years, a renewal of the accreditation.

To carry out its evaluation work, ANECA takes advantage of the synergies of degree accreditation (which in ANECA is carried out through the ACREDITA   procedure), with those of the certification process of the implementation of internal quality assurance systems. ANECA certifies the implementation of these systems through the AUDIT procedure.

Supporting documents and tools

  • Framework Document, Institutional Accreditation of University Centers and Certification of the Internal Quality Assurance System. This document shows and explains the different phases of the Institutional Accreditation of Centers (initial, follow-up and renewal of institutional accreditation).
  • Guide for the preparation and presentation of applications for Initial Institutional Accreditation of University Centres. This guide is adapted to the provisions of Royal Decree 640/2021 and presents the procedure and aspects to be taken into account in applications for Initial Institutional Accreditation of University Centres.
  • Form for the submission of the Initial Institutional Accreditation.  ANECA provides this form, so that universities can submit applications for Initial Institutional Accreditation in the application of the Council of Universities.
  • Template for the presentation of the Self-evaluation Report for the Renewal of Institutional Accreditation. This template is provided for university centers to submit their applications for renewal of institutional accreditation.
  • Royal Decree 640/2021, of 27 July, on the creation, recognition and authorisation of universities and university centres, and institutional accreditation of university centres.
  • Royal Decree 822/2021, of September 28, establishing the organization of university education and the procedure for quality assurance.
  • Resolution of 3 March 2022, of the General Secretariat of Universities, which establishes the instruction on the institutional accreditation procedure for centres in public and private institutions, as well as the Protocol for the certification of internal quality assurance, and the Protocol for the university centres institutional accreditation renewal assessment procedure, as approved by the General Conference for University Policies.
  • Agreement of the Spanish Network of University Quality Agencies (REACU) on the procedure for assessing the cases of degrees taught in several centres within the framework of the institutional accreditation protocols of university centres.

Evaluation reports

Through the lists on this page it is possible to access the evaluation reports of the centres that have obtained institutional accreditation. The information available for each centre is as follows:

  • Name of the Centre and Evaluation Report for institutional accreditation prepared by ANECA.
  • Centre code in the Register of Universities, Centres and Degrees.
  • Period of validity of institutional accreditation

 Accredited universities and centres:

  • University of Extremadura
  • University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • University of Murcia
  • University Pontificia Comillas
  • International University of La Rioja
  • University of Oviedo
  • University of Cantabria
  • University Jaume I de Castellón
  • Public University of Navarra
  • European University of Canarias
  • Cardenal Herrera-CEU University
  • University of Alicante
Institutional accreditation reports

Process general guidelines

Institutional accreditation consists of several distinct phases:

  • Initial institutional accreditation.
  • Institutional accreditation follow-up (to be agreed between ANECA and the university).
  • Renewal of institutional accreditation (within 6 years from the initial institutional accreditation or from the last institutional accreditation renewal).