Bachelor and Master Degrees

Universities, both public and private, have the autonomy to design proposals for official degrees adapted to the characteristics dictated by the government following the European declarations. Once it is designed, the future university degree has to obtain two reports in order to be implemented: one (VERIFICATION) from the Council of Universities and another one (AUTHORISATION) from the Autonomous Community.

The Council of Universities is responsible for VERIFYING the degree by issuing a favourable or unfavourable report. In order to take this decision, the Universities Council requests an EVALUATION report on the degree proposal from one of the competent agencies.

The law establishes that the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) and the assessment bodies determined by the Law of the Autonomous Communities, which comply with the quality criteria and standards established in the European Higher Education Area, may carry out the assessment of curricula by passing an external assessment that allows them to be full members of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and be registered in the European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies (EQAR).

Equipo del programa

Duis viverra libero lectus, sit amet bibendum lorem consequat ultrices. Nam tempus odio libero, at tempor odio gravida pretium. Cras faucibus, felis et luctus feugiat, velit dui finibus elit, a congue nisl dolor nec elit.

  • Nombre completo

    Nombre completo

    Duis viverra libero lectus, sit amet bibendum lorem consequat ultrices. Nam tempus odio libero, at tempor odio gravida pretium. 

Support documents

ANECA has developed a series of accompanying guides and support and guidance documents for the evaluation process for the verification of official Bachelor and master’s degrees.

The Spanish Network of University Quality Agencies (REACU)

This section compiles the evaluation protocols agreed by REACU that affect the verification of official university degrees.

Guides and accompanying documents

ANECA has prepared different documents with the aim of providing guidance and support in the design of official bachelor's and master's degrees (verification process) and in the request for modifications of these degrees once they have been implemented. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

This document includes both the most frequently recurring questions that have been received through the communication channels that ANECA has made available for this programme, as well as important aspects that have been detected during the evaluation of the proposals for official bachelor's and master's degrees.

VERIFICA procedure help tools

Evaluation reports

The purpose of ANECA is to promote and assure the quality of the Higher Education System in Spain. In order to fulfil this task assigned to the Agency, the official degree evaluation report search engine has been created in the field of official degree evaluation. Through this search engine, ANECA provides all stakeholders, and especially students, with all the information about the official bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees on which ANECA has carried out evaluation reports.

ANECA has established a procedure for queries by email: