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Types of results obtained in the assessment

This section presents the possible final results of these assessments and in the event that the result is positive, graduates of the programme are considered to hold the International Quality Label and the links where the Labels are published.

Final result of the assessment process

Note: Qualifications that are in the process of renewing the Label will remain valid until the corresponding evaluation is completed, at which point the temporary period of validity of the Label will be extended, provided that the result is positive.

Once the entire assessment process is completed, the Accreditation Committee of the Label shall include three possible decisions in their final reports:

Label granted:

For those official programmes that have obtained an A (criteria exceeded excellently) or B evaluation (criteria met) for all assessment criteria. Granting of the label may include, in any case, recommendations for the improvement of the programme and shall have a validity of 6 years in the case of Bachelor's* and Master's** degree programmes.

[*Exclusively, 8 years for the WFME Medicine Label] [**Until the publication of Royal Decree RD 822/2021 the concession period for Master's level programmes was 4 years]

Granting of the label with prescriptions:

For those programmes that, having obtained A or B evaluations for most of the assessment criteria, but a C evaluation (criterial partially met) in some criteria.

If the programme obtains the label with prescriptions, these must be specified in time and form, and their fulfilment must be possible within a reasonable time frame (by general rule of less than half of one total standard period for renewal of accreditation). The Accreditation Committee of the Label shall be responsible for determining the date of verification of compliance with the prescriptions.

The award of the Label shall depend on the acceptance of the prescriptions included in the final report on the part of the University. In this case, the Label will have a maximum provisional term of validity of 3 years in the case of Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes.

The provisional term of validity shall be determined, in all cases, by the Accreditation Committee of the Label. Once this period elapses, compliance with the prescriptions indicated in the final assessment report for the granting of the Label must be verified.

Once compliance with the prescriptions is confirmed, the granting of the Label shall be extended as applicable in each case. If the prescriptions established in the final assessment report are not fulfilled, the Label will cease to be valid for the programme.

Note: In relation to the learning sub-results established by the international agency, where at least one of the sub-results is partially integrated into the study plan and/or partially acquired by the graduates of the programmes assessed, the criterion “Learning outcomes of Label” shall be assessed with a “C” (criteria partially met) and the final result shall be “Granted with prescriptions”.

Denial of the label:

  In those cases in which the assessment procedure determines that the criteria and standards previously established for label have not been reached.

Note: In relation to sub-results of learning established by the international agency, in cases where at least one sub-result is not integrated into the study plan and/or is not acquired by graduates of the programme, the criteria “Learning results of the Label” shall be assessed with a D (Criteria not reached) and the final results shall be “Denied”. Where 7 or more learning outcome sub-results are partially integrated and/or are partially met and/or are partially acquired by graduates of a programme.