Professional Labels
ANECA is authorised to evaluate the International Quality Labels in different areas of knowledge.
Guarantees that the training programme that obtains the label fulfils the quality criteria agreed by international higher education quality assurance agencies, based on the international standards recognised by employers in different countries.
Recognises the quality of a training programme within and outside the country where it is delivered. This recognition is an incentive because it constitutes reliable guarantee of the programmes that have obtained the International Quality Label.
Ensures employers of the graduates of the programmes and centres awarded the International Quality Label that their knowledge and practical competences meet a set of international standards of education in the relevant discipline.
International Quality Labels (SIC)
ANECA is authorised to assess the International Quality Labels in Engineering (EURACE), Informatics and Business Informatics (EUROINF), Chemistry (EUROLABEL) and the International Quality Label in Medicine of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME).
Common information on Professional Labels
Published below is all the information an institution needs to be able to participate in the assessment processes of the different International Quality Labels managed by the agency.