Annual SIC meta-evaluation
From the 2018 edition onwards, the International Quality Label (SIC in Spanish) Programme of ANECA conducts an annual meta-evaluation, based on the results obtained in the satisfaction surveys submitted by the universities and evaluators, who participate each year in the evaluations that belong to this programme.
The satisfaction survey
The university satisfaction survey is divided into two sections:
- Relating to the work carried out by the panels of experts who have assessed the programmes in each call for submissions.
- In order to identify general areas for improvement within the International Quality Label Programme.
Within the satisfaction survey for the evaluators, the questions are intended to identify potential improvements in the following aspects: procedure, documentation used in the evaluation, communication with ANECA, visit to the university, etc.
All suggestions received are registered along with the others identified by ANECA, including telephone queries, an average of more than 10,000 emails received between assessors and universities over the course of the year, and through meetings with universities, collaborating partners (CCII , CONCITI , CGCOM , CNDFME , RSEQ , CACEI , CONAIC y CIEES ) and in accreditation committees (one per stamp).
All of these potential improvements to be implemented in the Programme are analysed by:
- The manager of the SIC system first.
- Secondly, in collaboration with:
- The assessors with the roles of chair of the expert panels, as responsible for ensuring that the rest of the assessors on the panel fulfil the standards of ANECA and of the agencies who oversee the labels.
- The members of the Technical Committee comprised of domestic and international academics, and professionals of the CCII , CONCITI , RSEQ , CGCOM and CNDFME .
The implementation of these improvements is approved in a meeting with the Technical Committee in the presence of the manager of the Teaching and Institutions Division and the manager of the SIC Programme.