Tareas de mantenimiento

Debido a tareas de mantenimiento, las aplicaciones y la página web de ANECA no estarán disponible el próximo sábado 27 de julio de 2024. Disculpen las molestias.

Civil servants

The ACADEMIA Programme carries out the curricular evaluation of applicants for accreditation for access to the university teaching bodies of Professor and Professor of University and Professor of University. 

Royal Decree 678/2023, of 18 July, which regulates state accreditation for access to university teaching bodies and the system of competitive examinations for access to positions in these bodies, has repealed Royal Decree 1312/2007, of 5 October, which establishes national accreditation for access to university teaching bodies, except for the transitional system established in Royal Decree 678/2023, of 18 July.


In order to facilitate the monitoring of the status of the accreditation applications submitted in accordance with RD 1312/2007 until March 31, 2024, we publish the following data on the progress of the accreditation commissions. These data, which will be updated weekly, report on the number of applications resolved (positive or negative), although, of course, the work developed by the commissions is much higher (requests for complementary documentation and pre-negative resolutions are not included).

Graph of resolved files as of July 26, 2024