Evaluation for the accreditation of master's degrees in the arts


Articles 54 to 58 of Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on Education regulate higher arts education, which includes higher studies in music and dance, drama, conservation and restoration of cultural assets, and higher studies in design and plastic arts.

Royal Decree 1614/2009, of 26 October, develops the structure and basic aspects of the organisation of higher arts education and its accreditation, in accordance with the requirements of the European Higher Education Area. In addition, Royal Decree 303/2010 of 15 March 2010 stipulates the minimum requirements for centres providing artistic education.

Area of action

This regulatory framework establishes that proposals for master’s degrees in Arts Education must undergo an accreditation process comparable to the verification process for university higher education. The National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) and the assessment bodies determined by the Law of the Autonomous Communities shall carry out the assessment of curricula in accordance with the necessary assessment protocols and in accordance with international quality standards and in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned Royal Decrees.


  • The Ministry of Education requests ANECA, or the evaluation bodies determined by the Law of the Autonomous Communities, to evaluate these proposals and draw up the corresponding reports. In order to carry out this work, ANECA has evaluation committees.
  • Once the evaluation process has been completed, ANECA, or the corresponding evaluation body, will send the report to the applicant university and to the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education, for its part, forwards the proposal to the Higher Council for Arts Education, which also issues a report.
  • The Ministry of Education will issue a resolution of homologation once the reports of the Higher Council for Arts Education and the evaluation agency have been considered. This decision will be communicated to the educational administration concerned. The education administration may submit and appeal against this decision to the Ministry of Education.
  • The last step involves registering the master's degree in the Central Registry of Degrees.

Documents and tools

The evaluation template that serves as a basis for the evaluation committees to carry out the assessment of the proposals submitted.

The main purpose of this evaluation protocol is to indicate the way in which higher education institutions should submit information on each proposal for the accreditation of the master's degree. It is based on 8 criteria for each of which a set of guidelines are included to guide the evaluation process prior to the accreditation of such training programmes.

Evaluation Committee

This document indicates the composition of the evaluation committee in charge of issuing assessments on proposals for official master's degrees in artistic education.


Results of the evaluation for the accreditation of master’s Degrees in Artistic Education (proposals with favourable report).