Equivalence of foreign university degrees equivalent to Spanish Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate degrees.
Royal Decree 889/2022 establishes the procedure for the declaration of equivalence: official recognition of the training passed to obtain a foreign qualification, comparable to that required to obtain a Bachelor's, Master's or Doctorate degree, excluding the professional effects with respect to those qualifications that can be obtained by homologation.
In the case of Bachelor's and Master's degrees, the competent authority is the Ministry responsible for universities, which will resolve the applications on the basis of the Commission for the Technical Analysis of Recognition and Equivalences (CATHYDE), which is made up of the Ministry, ANECA and experts representing the universities.
CATHYDE may propose general measures to resolve applications with similar characteristics (same country, same university, same syllabus) or request specific reports from ANECA or other experts.
Procedure: Ministry of Universities
In the case of doctoral programmes, the competent authority is the university. The statutory regulations of each university will determine the competent body to make the declaration of equivalence, as well as the procedure to be followed, in their respective areas, to obtain it. The procedure shall be carried out by means of an application from the person concerned, addressed to the head of the Rector's Office of the university of their choice.
Procedure: University chosen by the interested .
A unique case for university lecturers:
Royal Decree 1312/2007, which regulates national accreditation for access to civil servant teaching bodies in public universities (Profesor/a Titular de Universidad and Catedrático/a de Universidad), establishes as an indispensable requirement to be in possession of the title of Doctor. Article 12.2 provides for the admission of foreign doctoral degrees without the need for homologation or equivalence: Accreditation will have the effect of homologation/equivalence of the doctoral degree.