Application procedure
Applications are submitted through the Electronic Headquarters of the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. Search for the "ACADEMIA" form and complete the application created for this purpose with the academic merits of your CV.
Once you have completed all the academic merits of your CV in the corresponding sections, you must select merits for the compulsory and complementary sections (and specific, if it is an application to a Chair) according to the criteria published for the scientific field and teaching body in which you wish to apply for accreditation.
What documentation must be uploaded to the application software?
It is essential that all the selected merits have, as a pdf attachment, the necessary documentary justification. In addition, supporting documents on teaching, evaluations of teaching activity and management positions held, if any, must be attached directly to the computer application.
How is the application generated and closed?
When the CV is complete with all its merits, the selection has been made according to the criteria, and all the merits have their associated documentary justification in pdf, you must generate, complete and finally close the application.
To do so, go to the "Applications" option, create a "new" application, fill in all the data, and save. After saving, you must "close" the application. Finally, you must "register and sign electronically".
What documentation should be sent to ANECA and how?
As a last step for the submission of the application, the following documentation must be sent to ANECA through the Common Electronic Register (REC):
Electronically signed application form.
Service record.
Statement of truth.
Copy of the documentation accrediting the necessary prerequisites in each case (Doctorate Degree -only for foreign degrees and degrees in the process of being issued with fees paid-; Appointment as a Full University professor; or positive Exemption report).
The documentary justification of those merits which, due to being indicated in the "other merits" sections or because they have not been selected, could not be uploaded to the computer application.
If the size of the pdf is larger than 15Mb, you can make a second registration entry with the rest of the information indicating in the subject line the reference to the registration number of the first one.
In the exceptional case that the size of the documentation to be sent exceeds 30Mb, you should contact ANECA, through