Internal operation

Legal framework, statutes, strategy, annual operational plan and report.

Legal framework

Organic Law 2/2023, of 22 March on the University System.

The Organic Law of Universities 6/2001, of 21 December, establishes the creation of ANECA as a Foundation attached to the Ministry of Education.

Law 15/2014, of 16 September, on the rationalisation of the Public Sector and other administrative reform measures, gave it its definitive status as an Autonomous Body of the General State Administration. It is attached to the Ministry responsible for universities.

Law 39/2015 of 1 October 2015, on the Common Administrative Procedure for Public Administrations. 

Royal Decree 1112/2015 of 11 December , approves the Statute of the autonomous body ANECA.


The Statute of the autonomous body ANECA is approved by Royal Decree 1112/2015 of 11 December and is divided into seven chapters:

  • Chapter I contains general provisions.
  • Chapter II regulates the objectives and principles of action.
  • Chapter III establishes the organisational structure of the body and defines the functions and operation of its organs.
  • Chapters IV to VII regulate the economic and financial regime, the property regime, the personnel regime and the legal regime.


ANECA's Strategic Plan is a basic tool that defines its main lines of work. It is based on the following pillars:

  • Support and guidance. To provide support and guidance for the promotion and modernisation of the quality of the Spanish Higher Education and Research System, within the framework of the criteria and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area, providing the system with orientation, evaluation, certification and accreditation programmes, strengthening alliances with those entities that contribute to the improvement of the quality of the Spanish higher education and research system.
  • Reputation and transparency. To strengthen the national and international image of the Spanish higher education and research system, and of the cross-border activities of the entities that comprise that system, enhancing the communication of its actions to the different people and institutions with which it relates, generating confidence in stakeholders and in society in general.
  • Autonomy and efficiency. To provide the Agency with the human, financial, IT and material resources that will enable it to effectively and efficiently carry out the activities it conducts for the Spanish higher education system.