Framework for university self-assessment on employment and employability
Project for the creation of a framework for the self-assessment of Spanish universities to improve their activity in the field of employment and employability.
This project has sought to become a valuable contribution to guide the design, implementation and review of mechanisms that contribute to improving the employability and employment of students and university graduates, and to move towards a meeting of perspectives between universities, students, student bodies and other stakeholders involved.
The final result of this initiative, which will be reflected in a collaborative report, has been to provide the universities, on the one hand, with a series of elements for reflection to improve their actions in this area and, on the other, with a useful tool for the self-revision of their own processes, their integration and their capacity to be sensitive to the demands of external agents, with the aim of contributing, as mentioned above, to the improvement of this fundamental objective in higher education.
The project has involved the participation of 64 Spanish universities, 28 of which have been directly involved in the working group preparing the report.
Following the finalisation of this report, in a subsequent phase, the direct participation of a range of significant stakeholders was sought in order, on the basis of this self-assessment framework, to develop a quality seal that would enable external recognition of the universities' work in this substantive area.
Thus, in the case of the working group that consensually configured the corresponding assessment model, the following agents were involved, among others: CRUE Spanish Universities; CCS; CREUP; Alumni Spain; Ministry of Finance and Public Function; Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations (CEOE); Spanish Association of HR Directors (AEDRH); GEM Spain Entrepreneurship Observatory; etc.
The work for the implementation of the pilot call for the ANECA Seal of Quality in Employability and Entrepreneurship has started through two significant collaboration agreements. On the one hand, the one signed between ANECA and the main social agents (CEOE, CEPYME, CCOO and UGT); and on the other hand, the one signed between the Agency and the Ministry with competences in Civil Service.