Tareas de mantenimiento

Debido a tareas de mantenimiento, las aplicaciones y la página web de ANECA no estarán disponible el próximo sábado 27 de julio de 2024. Disculpen las molestias.

ANECA Privacy Policy and Legal Notice

The ANECA website does not collect or store personal data of its visitors.

In order to offer the best service through this website, and with the aim of facilitating its use, the number of pages visited, the number of visits, as well as the activity of visitors to the website, and their frequency of use, are analysed. For this purpose, ANECA uses the statistical information produced by the Internet Service Provider.

ANECA does not use cookies to collect user information, nor does it record IP access addresses. Only own session cookies  are used for technical purposes (those that allow the user to browse the website and use the different options and services that exist on it).

The portal owned by ANECA contains links to third party websites, whose privacy policies are unrelated to those of ANECA. By accessing such websites you choose whether to accept their privacy and cookie policies. In general, if you browse the Internet, you can accept or reject third-party cookies in your browser settings.

Basic information on data protection

Below you will find information about the data protection policy of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA).

Who is the Data Controller with respect to your data?

The Independent Entity of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) is responsible for the processing of personal data that may be collected directly from the data subject through its website, as well as any other data collected in the exercise of the functions entrusted to it by Organic Law 6/2001, on Universities and its implementing regulations, which will be treated confidentially and incorporated into the corresponding processing activity owned by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA).

The updated list of ANECA's processing activities is available in its Register of Processing Activities.

Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA) CIF S2801299E C/ Orense 11, 7ª Planta, 28020 Madrid. Telf.: +34 91 417 82 30 Contact data of the Data Protection Officer: dpd@aneca.es

For which purposes are your personal data processed?

The main purpose for which ANECA processes personal data is to carry out the functions entrusted to it by Organic Act 6/2001, of 21 December, on Universities and other regulations, in the field of higher education, for the accreditation and evaluation of university teaching staff, evaluation of university degrees, evaluation of research activities, improvement of quality, monitoring of results and reports in the university field.

In addition, ANECA processes the information provided by data subjects by subscribing to the newsletter, in order to be able to send them this newsletter, or by registering through its website to events and conferences that ANECA may organise for the management of their participation, or through the different contact addresses for citizen information owned by ANECA, to carry out response tasks and maintain direct contact by e-mail.

The purpose of the data processing corresponds to each of the processing activities carried out by ANECA, which are listed in its Register of Processing Activities. You can consult ANECA for the purpose of each of them.

How long will we keep your data?

Personal data will be kept for the time necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they are collected or their deletion is not requested by the data subject, and to determine any possible liabilities that may arise from said purpose and from the processing of the data, in addition to the periods established in the regulations on archives and documentation.

What is the legitimate purposes for the processing of your data?

The processing of your data by ANECA is based on several legitimate purposes: for the fulfilment of missions carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers conferred on ANECA, as well as when the purpose of the processing requires your consent, which must be given by means of a clear affirmative action.

You can consult ANECA for the legal basis for each of the processing activities it carries out, which are listed in its Register of Processing Activities.
Specifically, sending information bulletins to external parties provided by ANECA is based on the consent requested from the interested parties, without in any case the withdrawal of this consent conditioning the execution of any evaluation process and/or the services provided by ANECA.

To which recipients will your data be communicated?

In general, ANECA will not communicate or transfer your data to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation, among which may be communications to the Ombudsman or Judges and Courts, as well as other public authorities that may intervene in administrative proceedings within the competence of ANECA.

You may consult ANECA for the recipients of each of the processing activities it carries out which are listed in its Register of Processing Activities.

What are your rights with regard to the data you provide us with?

Data subjects have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to request its erasure when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

In certain circumstances, data subjects may request that we restrict the processing of their data, in which case we will only retain the data for the purpose of exercising or defending against any claims.

In certain circumstances and only where the processing is based on consent or a contract, data subjects have the right to request the portability of their personal data to another controller.

The data subject has the right to withdraw the consent granted to receive information from the newsletter at any time, and this shall not affect lawfulness of the processing based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

Any data subject may materially exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure and portability of their data, of limitation and opposition to their processing, as well as the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on the automated processing of their data, where applicable, before the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA): C/ Orense 11, 7ª Planta, 28020,or at the following e-mail address dpd@aneca.es .

Data subjects may lodge a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency, especially when they could not successfully exercise their rights with the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation.

Modification of ANECA's Privacy Policy

ANECA will review and update its Privacy Policy and personal data protection information according to any legislative and jurisprudential developments that may occur, and the guidelines of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, as well as when changes occur in its processing activities.

Legal notice

This site is held by the Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), holder of VAT no. S2801299E.

The design of the website and its source code, as well as the logos, trademarks and other distinctive signs, as well as the different elements that appear in it belong to ANECA and are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

ANECA reserves the right to make changes to the website without prior notice, in order to keep its information up to date, adding, modifying, correcting or removing the contents published or the design of the portal.

ANECA is not responsible for the legality of other third party websites from which the portal can be accessed. Nor is it responsible for the legality of other third-party websites that may be linked to or linked from this portal.

ANECA shall not be liable for the use that third parties make of the information published on the portal, nor for the damages suffered or any economic losses that, directly or indirectly, produce or may produce economic, material or data damages, caused by the use of such information, with the exception of all those actions resulting from the application of the legal provisions to which it must submit in the strict exercise of its competences.

The applicable law in case of dispute or conflict of interpretation of the terms that make up this legal notice, as well as any question related to the services of this portal, shall be the Spanish law and regulations.