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Back ANECA opens the participation procedure on new accreditation criteria

ANECA opens the participation procedure on new accreditation criteria

  • 13/02/2024

In accordance with article 21.2 of Royal Decree 678/2023, of 18 July, which regulates the state accreditation for access to university teaching bodies and the system of competitions for access to positions in these bodies, ANECA submits the criteria for the evaluation of merits and competences and the minimum reference requirements for a positive resolution - which it published on 8 February - to a process of participation with interested parties from the university and scientific community as a whole. This procedure will be enabled and available until 29 February.

This marks the launch of ANECA's new participation platform: https://participa.aneca.es/.

On this occasion, several modes of participation are offered, aimed at deliberating on the text of the published draft: it will be possible to propose amendments to each paragraph of the draft, to support other people's amendments, and also to write and evaluate comments on them. All these contributions, whose relevance will be underlined by the level of support that each one attracts in the community, will be taken into consideration by ANECA's management and may be translated into concrete modifications of the draft for its publication as a final document.

We remind you that this draft responds to the structure of merits and competences established in article 21.1 and detailed in the Annex of the aforementioned Royal Decree.

ANECA published this draft of the new accreditation criteria for PTU and CU, after having made public, on 29 January, the Procedure for obtaining state accreditation for access to university teaching bodies. This new procedure guarantees the request for abbreviated, meaningful and accessible documentation, streamlines the formalisation of applications and significantly reduces the workload that the accreditation system still in force has been assuming for those being evaluated.

Register on the platform and participate.

ANECA publicó este borrador de los nuevos criterios de acreditación a PTU y CU, después de haber hecho público, el pasado 29 de enero, el Procedimiento para la obtención de la acreditación estatal para el acceso a los cuerpos docentes universitarios. Este nuevo procedimiento garantiza la petición de documentación abreviada, significativa y accesible, agiliza la formalización de solicitudes y reduce de forma muy importante la carga de trabajo que el sistema de acreditación aún vigente ha venido suponiendo para las personas evaluadas.

Regístrate en la plataforma y participa.