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The selection process for experts

The Agency launches an exclusive call for applications for international experts who comply with the established requirements and who wish to join the assessment committees for our procedures; specifically, for the Programme Evaluation procedures (VERIFICA, ACREDITA AND INTERNATIONAL QUALITY SEALS) and the institutional evaluation procedure AUDIT (national and international).

The work carried out by external experts is essential for ANECA. The experts selection process is therefore of vital importance to ensure that the Agency service is provided in a suitable way.
ANECA is responsible for selecting the experts and this selection is carried out in a clear and transparent manner following the criteria established, a priori, in each of the procedures.

The Programme Evaluation committees and panels are formed by experts with renowned prestige in academic and professional fields and by students, some with international experience in evaluating university programmes or institutions. They are defined according to the spirit of Organic Law 4/2007 of 12 April, which modifies Organic Law 6/2001 of 21 December on Universities, and Royal Decree 861/2010 of 2 July which modifies Royal Decree 1393/2007 of 29 October on the organisation of official university degrees.



  • Lecturer at a public or private University outside of Spain, with at least ten years of experience and a quality research career.
  • Proficiency in Spanish.

Other merits:

  • Knowledge and experience in the design and management of University Degrees.
  • Experience in external evaluations for study plans/programmes or institutions.
  • Knowledge and experience in the design and implementation of quality assurance systems in universities and other areas.Knowledge and experience in innovation projects and in implementing new educational models related to the EHEA.
  • Knowledge and experience in other activities related to the quality of Higher Education.
  • Prior position in a university management executive role.
  • Knowledge of the Spanish university system and current legal regulations that apply to university degree evaluations.

Selection criteria for the institution evaluation procedure AUDIT (national and international):


  • Proficiency in Spanish.
  • Knowledge and experience in the design, evaluation and/or audit of quality assurance systems within a university environment.
  • A university degree that is valid in Spain or is from an official recognised university.  
  • Specific and proven training in quality system audits, from a recognised entity.
  • Knowledge of the AUDIT model.

Other merits:

  • Knowledge of the Spanish university system.
  • University teaching and research member of staff.
  • Has a technical position in the University’s technical quality unit.
  • Extensive knowledge of the AUDIT model.
  • Knowledge and experience in evaluation processes for the Spanish university system.

In line with its transparency criteria, ANECA will publish the committees formed on its website.


  • Those interested should fill out the corresponding form on ANECA’s website  and should attach a brief CV (there is no specific format), justifying that they meet the requirements set out for the position applied for.
  • The ANECA unit that manages the corresponding procedure will pre-select potential experts which shall be approved by the Director.
  • Then, the pre-selected experts will be contacted and invited to attend a training session for their potential selection, appointment and incorporation into the assessment committees and/or external evaluation panels.

The selected experts for any of the evaluation procedures will be added to ANECA’s experts database, based on the requirements of each call for application process. The performance of the experts will be assessed each year with the aim of improving and measuring the quality of the work. This assessment is carried out by the technical staff from each of the Units. The results will be taken into account in future experts selection processes. All experts and external experts must sign the “acceptance and declaration of responsibility on compliance with the code of ethics and paid attendance”; by doing so, they commit to follow the code of ethics and confirm the declaration on the perceived limits for the attendances made.
When appropriate, ANECA shall pay for the costs arising from transport and accommodation, in addition to compensating for the work done in external evaluation panels and committees. In these cases, any individual work done outside of the face-to-face sessions shall be considered to be included within this payment.

Contact the following email address for any clarifications or queries: convocatorias@aneca.es