Quality policy
This statement sets forth the ANECA Management’s commitment to quality in the development and fulfilment of its actions and the functioning of the institution.
ANECA is under the obligation and is committed to carrying out its activities in accordance with the principles of technical and scientific competence, legality and legal certainty, independence and transparency, and in compliance with the usual criteria for action by these institutions at the international level.
ANECA is committed to quality as an essential value and declares its commitment to the continuous improvement of the activities it is entrusted with and carries out and thereby guarantee the credibility and trust of the universities, public authorities, students, other evaluation agencies and society as a whole in its actions.
To this end, ANECA has established a series of principles and values that are laid down in its Code of Ethics.
In addition to these principles, the ANECA Management states the Agency’s following commitments to quality:
- The following-up of recommendations of international standards and guidelines for quality assurance.
- Cyclical external reviews that demonstrate the internal quality at the national and international level.
The Management’s intention is for these actions to be aligned with the tradition of university education and the changing context, and based on cooperation and coordination with other evaluation bodies, in particular those set up under legislation in the Autonomous Communities in accordance with guidelines that are established.
The Management considers that quality is a goal to be permanently complied with by each and every person working in and for ANECA.
The ANECA Management undertakes to ensure compliance with this quality policy and that it will be revised on an annual basis, so that appropriate measures are set in place to ensure its continuous adaptation to both the agency’s needs and the context in which it carries out its activities.
The ANECA quality policy must be made known to and understood by all staff working in and for the agency, and for this purpose it must be disseminated throughout the entire organisation and to all persons who collaborate with the ANECA.
The Management undertakes to submit this statement to the Board of Trustees for its approval.