Legal framework for six-year research fellowships
The regulations governing this programme can be found at:
- Royal Decree 1086/1989 of 28 August 1989 on the remuneration of university lecturers.
- Order of 2 December 1994,establishes the procedure for the evaluation of research activity - general criteria.
- By Order CNU/1396/2024, of December 5, which approves the internal regulations for the operation of the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity.
- Twenty-sixth final provision of Law 22/2013, of 23 December, on the General State Budget for 2014, which establishes the negative silence for the resolution of six-year periods.
- Royal Decree 310/2019, of 26 April, which regulates the remuneration system for civil servant research personnel in the scientific scales of the public research bodies of the General State Administration and creates the Commission for the Evaluation of the Performance of Scientific-Technological Activity.
- Order CNU/1181/2019 of 3 December, establishes the bases for the evaluation of staff in public research organisations