
The Directorate is the single-person executive body with the highest responsibility for the day-to-day management of ANECA. The Director of the Agency is appointed by the Governing Council for a period of three years, extendible for a further period of up to three years, which further strengthens ANECA's independence as an autonomous body.


Pilar Paneque Salgado

Professor of Human Geography at the Pablo de Olavide University, in Seville. She has been Vice-Rector for Quality and Planning, Director of Postgraduate Studies, and Director of the International Campus of Excellence. Her work has focused on the study of water risks, the analysis of social and institutional vulnerability associated with these risks, and the construction of adaptation strategies to the effects of climate change with participatory, deliberative, and citizen science approaches. She has 5 six-year research and transfer periods, and has directed 14 research projects and 12 doctoral theses.

All ANECA directors

The directorship of ANECA is a position:

  • With absolute dedication.
  • Full independence and total objectivity.
  • It is not subject to a mandatory injunction.
  • Does not receive express instructions from any authority regarding academic or assessment decisions.
  • In the event of absence, vacancy or illness, the person appointed Manager of the body shall assume the functions, except for those functions that are strictly academic in nature, for which the substitution shall be exercised by the person in charge of the management of the Evaluation Divisions, in their respective areas.