Financial information
ANECA publishes in the Official State Gazette and in the Transparency Website the information regarding its financial statements and the respective audit reports, as well as other information in accordance with the provisions of Act 19/2013, of 9 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance and General Budgetary Act 47/2003, of 26 November.
The complete financial statements for each year, which can be downloaded from the Transparency Website, contain information on the balance sheet, income statement, statement of changes in equity, cash flow statement and notes to the financial statements. The report analyses the financial assets/liabilities, fixed assets and a summary of contracts, as well as information on budget execution, financial, equity and budgetary indicators.
Financial information 2022
Transfers, grants or subsidies awarded: none awarded by the agency in 2022.
Financial information 2021
Transfers, grants or subsidies awarded: none awarded to date by the agency in 2021.
Financial information 2020
Transfers, grants or subsidies awarded: none awarded to date by the agency in 2020.
Financial information 2019
Transfers, grants or subsidies awarded: none awarded to date by the agency in the current financial year [UPDATED 18/09/19].
Financial information 2018
Transfers, grants or subsidies awarded (none awarded by the agency in 2018).
Financial information 2017
Transfers, grants or subsidies awarded (none awarded by the agency in 2017).
Financial information 2016
Transfers, grants or subsidies awarded (none awarded by the agency in 2016)