Back The president of ENQA visits ANECA

The president of ENQA visits ANECA

  • 22/09/2022

Mercedes Siles Molina, director of the Agency, and Douglas Blackstock, president of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), held a meeting in which they addressed topics such as the future of criteria and guidelines for quality assurance in the EHES.

During the meeting the director of ANECA presented some of the new projects the Agency is working on, such as its participation in the Intercoonecta programme of the AECID, and the EquAM Programme, an international and comprehensive perspective on the accreditation of Higher Education Institutions from an international and comprehensive perspective, in line with the criteria and directorates of quality control in the European Higher Education Area,(ESG) and the European Research Area, based on the principle of co-responsibility in quality control, which combines: The need to reflect on what we want in Europe, where we are going, and, in a second phase, on the review of the ESG, was also discussed. Mercedes Siles Molina expressed the Agency's readiness to cooperate with ENQA. 

The meeting was also attended on behalf of ANECA by Esther Balboa García, head of the Prospective and Continuous Improvement Unit; and José Mª Nyssen González, project manager of Reports and Studies.