Back Closure of the ACADEMIA Programme (Royal Decree 1312/2007)

Closure of the ACADEMIA Programme (Royal Decree 1312/2007)

  • 01/04/2024

The accreditation procedure for university teaching bodies (Profesor/a Titular de Universidad and Catedrática/o de Universidad) in accordance with the criteria established in Royal Decree 1312/2007, of 5 October (repealed from 7 September 2023), has been maintained on a transitional basis until 1 April, as provided for in Royal Decree 678/2023, of 18 July, which regulates state accreditation for access to university teaching bodies.

Despite all the pressure on the ACADEMIA programme, which has caused significant stress to applicants for which ANECA's Management apologises, the computer application closed today has resisted sufficiently for 6,374 applications to have been submitted in March alone (on 31 March, 883). This is almost the same number of applications received for the whole of 2023 (6,730). Already the applications received in 2023 increased by almost 50% compared to 2022 (4,544), so ANECA's Directorate took several measures with the aim of reducing the waiting times for a decision.

The transitional maintenance of the procedure until the established date has allowed almost 11,000 applications to be submitted between July 2023 and March 2024, as can be seen in the following graph:

Solicitudes ACADEMIA julio 2023 (aprobación RD 678/2023) - marzo 2024
Mes CU TU Total
jul-23 328 595 923
ago-23 114 231 345
sep-23 171 308 479
oct-23 161 352 513
nov-23 170 260 430
dic-23 283 444 727
ene-24 162 306 468
feb-24 293 431 724
mar-24 2928 3446 6374
Total general 4610 6373 10983

Ante esta situación tan excepcional, también desde la Dirección de ANECA se adoptarán todas las medidas que estén en su mano para solventar los problemas derivados de las infraestructuras informáticas y para permitir la resolución de las solicitudes recibidas en el menor tiempo posible, con la colaboración inestimable de las comisiones de acreditación y de todo el personal técnico.