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ANECA and COTEC look at possible areas of collaboration

  • 13/09/2022

The Director of ANECA, Mercedes Siles Molina met today with the chair of Fundación COTEC, Cristina Garmendia.

ANECA and Fundación COTEC for Innovation today held a meeting to look at possible areas of convergence within the knowledge and innovation space. COTEC identified the application of microcredentials for the training itineraries they offer, while we also analysed the contribution of this innovative format to lifelong training beyond the professional phase. 

For our part, ANECA expressed interest in the certification of knowledge with an impact on innovation, and ongoing mentoring to ensure that the transformations generated by the knowledge are seen through.  After this preliminary analysis, we agreed to continue to work together through an agreement between both institutions.

Finally, we shared the objectives of the INTERCOONECTA collaboration programme between ANECA and AECID in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean, which is aimed at generating mobility for talent, both students and lecturers, inviting COTEC to collaborate on that project. 

Representing ANECA at the meeting were Mercedes Siles Molina, Director, and Alfonso Vallés, Head of the Education and Institutions Team. Attending on behalf of COTEC were Cristina Garmendia, Chair, and Ainara Zubillaga, Director of Training and Education.