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ANECA promotes training on the gender dimension in knowledge, innovation and technological development

  • 29/09/2022

Through a workshop that reinforces the move towards socially inclusive evaluation activity.

The first training workshop promoted by ANECA to move towards a socially inclusive evaluation activity with a gender perspective was held yesterday 28 September in a virtual format through the personalised platform of Aula ANECA. The second phase of this training activity is scheduled to take place between 26 November and 22 December this year.

The workshop, promoted by the Agency's Equality Unit, is aimed in this first pilot edition at the chairpersons and secretaries of the various committees and commissions for the evaluation of teaching staff, as well as the technical staff involved in these programmes. One of its aims is to analyse the gender dimension in knowledge, technological development and innovation, with emphasis on the specificities of the different fields of knowledge.

This first day began with speeches by the Director of the Agency, Mercedes Siles Molina, and the Director of the Teacher Evaluation Division, Clelia Martínez Maza and head of the Equality Unit, on 'ANECA's commitment to the gender perspective in evaluation'.

Five parallel sessions were then held to address the gender dimension in each field of knowledge: Sciences; Health Sciences; Engineering and Architecture; Social and Legal Sciences; and Arts and Humanities.