Back ANECA organizes the Meeting "The academic and scientific career in Spain"

ANECA organizes the Meeting "The academic and scientific career in Spain"

  • 03/08/2023

ANECA organizes, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Universities, the meeting "The academic and scientific career in Spain", to be held at the Santander headquarters of the Menéndez Pelayo International University from September 6 to 8

ANECA proposes to dedicate this space to discuss the academic and scientific career in Spain within the framework of other international experiences and against the backdrop of recent legislative changes, the assumption of new research principles and practices and the reform of its evaluation.

The academic career in Spain has specific characteristics in relation to our European context that are due, in part, both to a later and more accelerated internationalization of our scientific activity and to the existence of a state accreditation system prior to access to the different professorships. This has favored the consolidation of a more productive and competitive system, but, at the same time, it has given rise to some undesired effects and to a stressed university, scientific and evaluation community in need of new approaches and practices.

Thus, we propose to address issues such as ethics in research, science policy planning, open science, the social impact of research activity, new systems and criteria for the evaluation of teaching and research staff, and the need to take special care of the early stages of the academic career.

The meeting will be attended by representatives of organizations of young researchers, such as FPU Investiga or the Federation of Young Precarious Researchers and associations of Spanish researchers abroad, presidents of sectoral CRUE Spanish Universities, experts in open science, social impact of research and bibliometrics, as well as researchers with international careers and responsibilities in the management and evaluation of research. 

All information is available at this link, where you can find the detailed program and the registration procedure. 

We look forward to seeing you at #ANECAenUIMP