Back 2,802 people have contributed 2,127 proposals and 3,281 comments to the draft evaluation criteria for state accreditation.

2,802 people have contributed 2,127 proposals and 3,281 comments to the draft evaluation criteria for state accreditation.

  • 21/03/2024

Through the participatory process opened by ANECA, which ended on 29 February

In the three weeks that the participatory process has been open, 2,802 people have registered on the platform, making 2,127 proposals and 3,281 comments. The design of ANECA's participation platform ( has facilitated active debates on each of the paragraphs of the draft and the formulation of alternative proposals. In some paragraphs, more than one hundred proposals and comments have been registered, which shows the interest that, for the first time, ANECA has opened the accreditation assessment criteria to public participation, and that it has done so not only to certain agents of the system but also to the whole university and scientific community.

The universities with the most registered participants were Seville, Valencia, Granada and Alicante, followed by a list of 93 institutions, i.e. practically all Spanish universities. In addition, participation was registered from 179 areas of knowledge, with some of them from the field of computer science (Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence and Computer Languages and Systems) and from the field of didactics (Experimental Sciences and Plastic Expression).

All the proposals have been studied and assessed by ANECA, and many of them have contributed to decisively improve the final version of the document.

Áreas de conocimiento con mayor participación Participantes Porcentaje
Ciencia de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial 102 3,47 %
Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos 79 2,69 %
Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales 77 2,62 %
Didáctica de la Expresión Plástica 71 2,42 %
Organización de Empresas 69 2,35 %
Filología Inglesa 62 2,11 %
Proyectos Arquitectónicos 61 2,08 %
Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática 61 2,08 %
Didáctica y Organización Escolar 56 1,91 %
Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores 50 1,70 %
Sociología 49 1,67 %
Economía Aplicada 48 1,63 %
Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad 47 1,60 %
Matemática Aplicada 47 1,60 %
Didáctica de la Matemática 46 1,57 %
Economía Financiera y Contabilidad 44 1,50 %
Ingeniería Química 42 1,43 %
Enfermería 41 1,40 %
Bioquímica y Biología Molecular 38 1,29 %
Composición Arquitectónica 37 1,26 %
Universidades con mayor participación Participantes Porcentaje
Universidad de Sevilla 276 9,40 %
Universitat de Valencia (Estudi General) 212 7,22 %
Universidad de Granada 178 6,06 %
Universidad de Alicante 142 4,83 %
Universidad Complutense de Madrid 136 4,63 %
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 125 4,26 %
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela 123 4,19 %
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia 119 4,05 %
Universidad de Málaga 103 3,51 %
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 88 3,00 %
Universidad de Zaragoza 86 2,93 %
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha 84 2,86 %
Universidad de Salamanca 69 2,35 %
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea 60 2,04 %
Universidad de Murcia 60 2,04 %
Universidad de A Coruña 56 1,91 %
Universidad de Cádiz 52 1,77 %
Universidad de Oviedo 49 1,67 %
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 46 1,57 %