Other projects and initiatives of interest
ANECA has participated throughout its trajectory in numerous international projects and has collaborated with a large number of initiatives promoted from different regional areas. Some of the projects already concluded and initiatives mentioned above are the following:
Participation in completed international projects:
- 2019-2021. Erasmus+ DEQAR. Database of External Quality Assurance Results
- 2019. European University Alliance CHARM-EU: Challenge-driven, Accessible, Research-based, Mobile - European University
- 2016-2019. Erasmus+ LIREQA: Linking Academic Recognition and Quality Assurance
- 2014-2016. Erasmus+ HERE-ES: Higher Education Reforms in Spain.
- 2013-2015. Erasmus Mundus QACHE: Quality Assurance of Cross-border Higher Education
- 2012-2015. Lifelong Learning CeQuInt: Certificate for the Quality of Internationalisation in European higher education
- 2011-2012. UNESCO GIQAC: Global Initiative for Quality Assurance Capacity
- 2010-2013. TEMPUS JOQAR: Joint programmes: Quality Assurance and Recognition of degrees awarded.
- 2010-2012. E-TRAIN: European Training of QA Experts
- 2009-2011. EQMT: Erasmus Mobility Quality Tools
- 2007-2011. CINTAS: La Garantía de la Calidad Interna de la Agencias de Evaluación
- 2005-2010. Erasmus Mundus Team I y II: Transparent European Accreditation decisions & Mutual recognition agreements
- 2020-2023. Erasmus+ EQUAM LA: Enhancing Quality Management & Recognition in Latin Americam universities to underpin the Latin American Higher Education Space.
- 2019-2021. Erasmus+ Vita-GLOBAL: Local development and internationalization: the case of viticulture.
- 2019-2021. Erasmus+ MIMIR ANDINO: Modernisation of Institutional Management of Innovation and Research in the Andean Region and Latin America.
- 2016-2019. Erasmus+ CAMINOS: Enhancing and Promoting Latin America Mobility.
- 2013-2015. Erasmus Mundus ULISES: Universities Linking Initiatives and Synergies in Europe and South America.
- 2011-2014. Alfa PUENTES: Building Capacity of University Associations in fostering Latin-American regional integration.
- 2021-2023. Erasmus+ EQUAM-T: Enhancing Quality Assurance Management in Higher Education in Tunisia
- 2017-2020. Erasmus+ EQUAM-M: Enhancing Quality Assurance Management in Moroco
- 2015-2019. Erasmus+ NQF-J: Towards a National Qualifications Framework for Jordan
- 2014-2016. TEMPUS MIMI: Modernization of Institutional Management of Internationalization in South Neighboring Countries: towards an Internationalization Management Model.
- 2012-2014. TEMPUS EQUAM-J: Enhancing Quality Assurance Management in Jordanian Universities
- 2012-2014. Erasmus Mundus LINKING MED GULF: Synergies and Innovation Linking Europe, the MENA region and the Gulf in Higher Education & Research
- 2011-2013. TEMPUS TLQAA: Toward the Lebanese Quality Assurance Agency
- 2010-2012. Erasmus Mundus JISER- MED: Joint innovation y Synergies in Education and Research
- 2010-2013. TEMPUS AQI-UMED: Renforcement de l’assurance qualité interne dans des universités de la Méditerranée : Algérie – Maroc – Tunisie
- 2010-2012. TEMPUS SIRIA: Accreditation – Pathway to Quality Assurance in the Syrian Universities
- 2020-2023. Erasmus+ MOTIVE: MOnitoring Trends In Vietnamese graduates’ Employment
- 2018-2021. Erasmus+ EQuAM-BI: Enhancing Quality Assurance Management and Benchmarking Strategies in Indian Universities
Collaborations with international projects and initiatives:
International initiatives in which the Agency has actively collaborated include, among others:
- Evaluation agencies and Spanish in science (Dirección General del Español en el Mundo), through working meetings.
- II Global Study - survey to EQAPs (INQAAHE), through participation in the survey.
- Dialogo 5+5, through participation in the seminar on University Quality within the framework of the activity 'A6. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND BLENDED LEARNING' co-led by Spain, Mauritania, Morocco and France.
- Study on the feasibility of a European Quality Assurance system (European Commission), through participation in an interview and validation of information.