Accreditations and six-year periods

In compliance with the regulations in force on university teaching staff, ANECA’s evaluation programmes for teaching staff will evaluate curricular research, teaching, transfer and management credits both for access to specific teaching posts and university teaching bodies, and for the award of university allowances.

Specifically, the ACADEMIA programme evaluates research, teaching, transfer and management merits to obtain accreditation to access the teaching bodies of University Professor and Senior University Lecturer, and the PEP programme assesses them to access the contractual positions of Contracted Doctoral Professor, Private University Professor and Assistant Doctoral Professor. On the other hand, the CNEAI will assess the research and transfer merits for the recognition of six-year research periods. Curricular evaluations are also carried out for the granting of university allowances.

Within this field of action, ANECA also evaluates, on behalf of the Ministry  responsible for universities, applications submitted in the calls for applications for University Teacher Training Grants and the calls for applications for the Mobility Subprogramme within the State Programme for the Promotion of Talent and its Employability.

Adhesion to Leiden, DORA and CoARA

ANECA adhered to the Leiden Manifesto on research indicators in October 2021, coinciding with the presentation of its general principles and guidelines for the development of criteria for the evaluation of research activity, with the commitment to progressively incorporate qualitative assessment and to periodically analyse and review indicators taking into account the publication and citation practices specific to each scientific field. The Leiden Manifesto provides a synthesis of good practice in evaluation and proposes that quantitative measures should support qualitative evaluation and that metrics should be used responsibly.

In addition, in April 2023, ANECA joined the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA). In particular, the Agency adheres to DORA because it shares the need to address the quality assessment of scientific articles - and not only the journals in which they are published -, to consider the value and impact of all research outputs (including data and software) and to consider the societal impact of research from a broader perspective (including qualitative indicators, such as the influence on scientific policy and/or practice).
ANECA also joins CoARA committed to the recognition of the diversity of research practices and activities in the evaluation processes which, in addition, maximise their quality and impact and achieve a more efficient and inclusive system. To this end, it is committed to progressively move towards qualitative evaluation models, based on peer review, and with the support and responsible use of quantitative indicators.

  • Accreditations


    Guidance, assessment, certification and merit accreditation functions.

  • Six-year periods

    Six-year periods

    Aneca assesses the quality of research activity and knowledge transfer.

  • Other evaluations

    Other evaluations

    ANECA carries out evaluations on behalf of the Ministry or through agreements with other bodies.