Back Information note on the position of Assistant Lecturer Doctor (PEP)

Information note of SGU on the position of Assistant Lecturer Doctor (PEP)

  • 31/03/2023

Note from the General Secretariat of Universities (30 March 2023) on the process of accreditation as Assistant Professor Doctor after the entry into force of the Organic Law of the University System (LOSU).


The Organic Law of the University System eliminates the need to hold accreditation in order to gain access to the contractual position of Assistant Doctoral Professor (PAD). In this way, one of the bottlenecks identified, which has meant that the stabilisation of university teaching staff does not occur until well past the age of forty, is eliminated and the universities are given the fundamental responsibility of choosing, within their autonomy and respecting the LOSU in terms of the selection procedures for contracted teaching staff, their youngest doctoral lecturers, similar to what happens in the vast majority of advanced university systems with the process known as "tenure track".

On the other hand, the third transitory provision of the LOSU, in section 1, establishes that the current accreditation of PAD or the equivalent figure in the regional regulations will be considered as a preferential merit, within four years after the approval of the Law, for the purposes of access to the figure of PAD.

Therefore, from the entry into force of the LOSU, accreditation processes for PAD status can no longer be requested by interested parties and therefore cannot be carried out by quality assessment agencies. Obviously, those processes in progress prior to the entry into force of the Law may be completed in accordance with the regulations in force at the time the application is submitted.