Back Farewell to Mercedes Siles Molina after three years at the helm of ANECA

Farewell to Mercedes Siles Molina after three years at the helm of ANECA

  • 21/02/2023

Today took place the meeting of ANECA's Governing Board in which Mercedes Siles Molina, Director of the Agency since her appointment in February 2020, has completed her term of office. During her speech, the director referred to the many initiatives and activities developed during her time at the head of the Agency, aimed at offering a new ANECA, characterised by its attitude of accompanying people and institutions, the modernisation of the body, transparency, momentum, equity and sustainability in its activity. All this is summarised in the document 'Three years of a new ANECA'.

'Three years of a new ANECA'

ANECA's Governing Council has thanked Mercedes Siles Molina for the great work carried out during these years at the head of ANECA, extending it to all her team and the staff of the organisation.

Likewise, Mercedes Siles Molina thanked the staff of ANECA "for the enormous effort they have made during these three years, pandemic included, to get to where we are. For me, from day one, they have been the most valuable part of the Agency".

An extraordinary meeting of the Governing Board will be held on 28 February.