Back ANECA withdraws the report Bibliometric analysis and impact of open-access publishers in Spain (2021)

ANECA withdraws the report "Bibliometric analysis and impact of open-access publishers in Spain" (2021)

  • 23/06/2023

In coherence with the adhesion in April to the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA), as well as the Agency's participation in a proposed National Chapter of CoARA in May, ANECA's management has withdrawn the report "Bibliometric analysis and impact of open-access publishers in Spain" (2021).

The commitments with DORA and CoARA are assumed by ANECA within the framework of the debates that have been developing in the European and global context on the need to reform research evaluation models and with the conviction that we are at an optimal moment to move towards a new culture of evaluation of research activity.

Consequently, sharing the need to address the evaluation of the quality of scientific articles and not only of the journals in which they are published, to consider the social impact of research from a broader perspective, or to move towards more qualitative evaluation models, ANECA withdraws the aforementioned report so that it will not be considered, under any circumstances, as a reference document in the evaluation of its programmes.

The management of ANECA has already pointed out the problems generated by the use of this report in a letter addressed to the sexenios committees last March. Similarly, it will provide precise information on the definitive withdrawal of this document to all the accreditation committees of the PEP (contracted teaching staff) and ACADEMIA (civil servant teaching staff) programmes.