ANECA renews ENQA membership for five years
Following the review carried out by The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), in May 2022, against the European ESG standards, the purpose of which was to determine ANECA's compliance, the ENQA Board, at its meeting on 19 April 2023, agreed to reconfirm the Agency's membership of ENQA for five years.

At this meeting the Council concluded that ANECA complies with the European standards (ESG 2015), following the receipt of the approval by EQAR of the application for renewal of the inclusion in its register, thus fulfilling the criteria for membership according to the ENQA regulation.
Following this, the Council encouraged ANECA to attend, in two years' time, a follow-up seminar, where all agencies that have participated in a specific review will discuss the improvement topics selected by them. The seminar is intended to provide a space for the agencies to reflect on their main challenges, opportunities and priorities.
During this follow-up seminar, they will have to demonstrate their progress following the targeted review.
Douglas Blackstock, the President of ENQA, conveyed his congratulations to Pilar Paneque, Director of ANECA, and invited the agency to continue working along these lines.