Back ANECA Resolution on the requirements for the homologation of foreign degrees to the Master in General Health Psychology

ANECA Resolution on the requirements for the homologation of foreign degrees to the Master in General Health Psychology

  • 30/01/2024

Within the framework of its Homologations and Equivalences programme, ANECA has published the Resolution of the Director establishing the evaluation requirements applicable for the homologation of foreign degrees to the official Spanish university degree that qualifies for the exercise of the profession of General Health Psychology (Master's Degree in General Health Psychology).

Organic Law 2/2023, of 22 March, on the University System, contains the modification of Law 33/2011, of 4 October, General Law on Public Health, whereby "the qualification for the profession of General Health Psychologist must accredit the passing of at least 180 ECTS credits of specifically health-related content in the university courses taken as a whole, in accordance with the specifics to be determined by regulation". 

It is in this scenario that ANECA, responsible for issuing reports on the validation of foreign qualifications to Spanish qualifications required to exercise a regulated profession, establishes criteria in this resolution for the assessment of these 180 ECTS of a health-related nature, so that all experts apply the same criteria.