Back Nota informativa sobre el plan de trabajo del programa PEP

Information note on the work plan of the PEP procedure

  • 15/06/2023

With the aim of resolving the excess of applications submitted before 12 April 2023.

The Directorate of ANECA, in collaboration with the PEP Programme Committees, has agreed on three groups of measures to resolve the excess of applications in several branches of knowledge within the deadline:

  • To exceptionally incorporate new members, with previous evaluation experience, to reinforce the Committees that need it and thus be able to evaluate applications for the necessary time.
  • Convene collegiate sessions in which some committees will work in two parts, with the assistance of an alternate chairperson and secretary, so that files can be distributed between ordinarily appointed members and exceptionally appointed members and thus resolve a higher number of applications per session.
  • Increase the number of scheduled sessions to the extent necessary to resolve all the applications submitted.

The Procedure for the Constitution and Renewal of Evaluation Committees has been amended to reflect and implement these agreements.

These measures have been agreed in several meetings held with ANECA's staff and the committees' presidents and secretaries, in order to analyse the available data and discuss the best measures to be adopted. The involvement of the committees has been complete, and ANECA's Management thanks them all for their commitment to the quality of the university system.

Data on applications received

Affected Committees