Back ANECA course on quality assurance and recognition of studies held at the UIMP begins

ANECA course on quality assurance and recognition of studies held at the UIMP begins

  • 05/09/2022

The Secretary General for Universities, José Manuel Pingarrón, confirmed in the opening ceremony that "ANECA and the Autonomous Communities play a key role in the Higher Education System in Europe".

The sessions can be watched live at:

This morning the course organised by ANECA on 'Quality assurance and recognition of university and higher education studies in the context of Latin America and the Caribbean and the European Union’ began, within the programme of summer activities of the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) at its headquarters in the Palacio de la Magdalena in Santander.

In his speech, the Secretary General for Universities, José Manuel Pingarrón, asserted that "an effort is being made to integrate the Ibero-American knowledge area in a stable and solid manner. In this sense, ANECA plays a key role”. He also gave a talk on 'Towards a new regulatory framework for the recognition and equivalence of foreign qualifications', in which he explained the current situation, which has worsened due to the pandemic, and announced that a Royal Decree will be approved to improve the management of procedures. During the process, measures will be created with the Agency on the quality of universities’ curricula.

Over the course of the morning, José Ángel Domínguez, president of the Internationalisation Committee of ANECA, gave a speech in which he referred to the European area and the quality guarantee, where the degree systems and academic and professional titles are harmonised. With respect to foreign degrees, Domínguez explained that the Agency very much takes into account the processes the degrees have undergone in their countries and that agreements are maintained with the Agencies of other countries, facilitating mutual recognition of degree titles.

María del Valle Pérez, on the other hand, Sub-director General for Degrees and the Organisation, Monitoring and Management of University Education, addressed the recognition of foreign university degrees in Spain. She spoke on the procedures, for recognition and equivalencies, from the Sub-directorate and asserted that “everything will be much faster when documentation is presented and managed via electronic means only”. She also referred to the collaboration with ANECA to facilitate and enable the processing of reports issued.

The complete programme for the course can be found here: