Back ANECA ha emitido 1.354 informes de homologaciones y equivalencias en el último trimestre de 2024

ANECA has issued 1,354 homologation and equivalence reports in the last quarter of 2024

  • 04/02/2025


During the last quarter of 2024, ANECA has sent 1,354 reports to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MICIU): 835 on homologations of foreign university degrees to Spanish university degrees required for the exercise of a regulated profession and 519 on equivalences of university degrees. With these figures, the number of files processed by the ANECA homologation and equivalence program during 2024 rises to a total of 5,660.

During this last quarter, more than 85% were resolved within the 3-month period. These results are the result of the measures established throughout the year by the Agency to expedite the equivalence of foreign degrees with positive precedents.

The following table provides more details of the work carried out in the last quarter of 2024:

* Files for which additional information has been requested from the Ministry for the evaluation, the documentation is incorrect or there is no documentation are not included.

** The 14.6% that are out of date are due to problems with the reception of the documentation from the Ministry or because they are associated with professions whose evaluation criteria are currently under review.

In the last quarter of 2024, ANECA received three times as many files as in the previous quarter. It should also be noted that 80% of them were received at the end of December.