ANECA gestiona en 2024 una cifra histórica de solicitudes de acreditación para Catedrático/a y Titular de Universidad
1.904 / 5.000 In 2024, ANECA manages a record number of accreditation applications for University Professor and Lecturer

The ANECA ACADEMIA Program carries out the curricular evaluation of applicants for accreditation for access to the university teaching bodies of University Professor and University Lecturer.
In 2024, the procedure regulated by Royal Decree 1312/2007, of October 5, which establishes national accreditation for access to university teaching bodies, entered into an extinction phase, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 678/2023, of July 18, which regulates state accreditation for access to university teaching bodies and the system of competitions for access to positions in said bodies. However, as can be seen in the following graphs, the ACADEMIA programme experienced a significant increase in the number of applications received (7,632) during the first quarter of 2024, within the procedure to be extinguished, compared to last year (6,730 applications).
In addition to these applications, which have been evaluated almost in their entirety, there are 3,219 applications submitted since 1 April 2024, in accordance with the new procedure, which are being subject to administrative review. Thus, the total volume of applications managed by the ACADEMIA programme amounts to 10,581, a record figure in the history of the programme.
At the end of 2024, the ANECA Management carried out various measures with the aim of reducing the waiting times for the resolution of applications received until March 31, 2024, and ensuring that the increase in applications did not translate into a disadvantage for applicants for the positions of Professor (CU) and University Professor (TU). These numbers are an indicator of the positive results of these measures.