Back 2.011 / 5.000 40 monographs obtain the CEA-APQ 2024 Academic Publishing Quality Seal

2.011 / 5.000 40 monographs obtain the CEA-APQ 2024 Academic Publishing Quality Seal

  • 09/01/2025

Cuarenta monografías individuales, de doce editoriales universitarias y científicas,  han obtenido el Sello de Calidad en Edición Académica CEA-APQ en la segunda convocatoria de este nuevo reconocimiento de calidad nacido en 2023. Veintiocho de estas monografías pertenecen al área de Arte y Humanidades, diez a Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas, una a Ingeniería y Arquitectura y una a Ciencias de la Salud.
Tras superar con éxito el proceso de evaluación, estas cuarenta monografías obtienen el Sello de Calidad CEA-APQ Monografías con carácter permanente. Son las siguientes:

Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona

Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas

Editorial Complutense

Editorial Universidad de Granada

Editorial Universidad de Huelva

Editorial Universidad de Jaén

Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de León

Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo

Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València

Editorial Universidad de Sevilla

Publicacions de la Universitat de Valencia

Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid


Composition of the committees

The committees in charge of the evaluation were composed, in the case of the Area of ​​Art and Humanities, by José Pascual González, professor of Ancient History at the Autonomous University of Madrid; Carmen Martín Moreno, professor of the School of History and Music Sciences at the University of Granada; Carlos Julián Martínez Soria, professor of Art History at the University of Castilla-La Mancha; and Francisco García Fitz, professor of Medieval History at the University of Extremadura. For its part, the committee for Social and Legal Sciences was made up of María Ángeles Egusquiza Balmaseda, professor of Civil Law at the Public University of Navarra; Pablo Meira Cartea, professor of Theory and History of Education at the University of Santiago de Compostela; Ana Isabel González, professor of the School of Financial and Tax Law at the University of Oviedo; and Lluís Pastor, professor of Communication Sciences at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. The Engineering and Architecture Commission was composed of Juan Manuel Díaz Cabrera, professor of Electrical Engineering and Automation at the University of Córdoba; Jacinto González Pachón, professor of Artificial Intelligence at the Polytechnic University of Madrid; Matilde Santos Peñas, professor of Computer Architecture and Automation at the Complutense University of Madrid; Francisco Fernández Beltrán, professor at the Universitat Jaume I, former director of Publications at the UJI and former president of UNE. The Health Sciences Commission was composed of Juan Francisco Madrid Cuevas, professor of Cellular Biology and Histology of Reproduction in Mammals at the University of Murcia; Macarena Perán Quesada, professor of Human Anatomy and Embryology at the University of Jaén; Conrado Navalón Vila, Professor of Basic Psychology and Methodology at the University of Murcia; and Arantxa García Pizarro, Professor of Nursing at the University of La Laguna and former director of the ULL Publishing House.

Quality recognition

These forty monographs meet the nine requirements of the monographs that request it: quality and transparency of information (identification of the monograph, electronic availability and inclusion of metadata), quality of the editorial policy (availability of scientific or editorial committee and editorial policy of the publishing entity) and quality of the editorial process and scientific evaluation (instructions for the presentation of manuscripts, information on the manuscript selection process, external evaluation reports and reasoned communication of the resolution of the publication of the work).

Final resolutions

Following the reports issued by the evaluation committees of the four areas of knowledge, the monitoring committee was responsible for adopting the final resolutions. Its members were Susana Quicios, director of the ANECA Teaching Staff Evaluation Division; Anabel Bonilla, responsible for ANECA's recognition and seal processes; Cristina González, director of Scientific Information at FECYT; María Ángeles Coslado, responsible for the FECYT seal journal evaluation process; María Isabel Cabrera, president of UNE; Ana Isabel González, UNE Quality Advisor; and Joaquín Corbacho, administrator of the CEA-APQ Seal.

Research merits

The CEA-APQ Seal, created and developed by UNE and endorsed by ANECA and FECYT, has been recognised, since its creation in 2017, as an indication of the quality of publications in the evaluation of research activity, a recognition carried out by the National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity (CNEAI), and in the evaluation criteria for the research merits claimed for the different teaching staff accreditation figures carried out by ANECA (See BOE of December 19, 2024).